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Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at Newman is dedicated to drawing people closer to God through worship by leading them in sung prayer. We provide musical leadership for Sunday Masses, Feast Days, and other liturgies throughout the year.
Contact Stacy Ellens ( for more information on how to add your gifts and talents to Newman liturgies.

These pickup groups meet a half hour before Mass to rehearse relatively simple music for weekly liturgies.
The Newman Center also has a group dedicated to providing contemporary music at the 8:00 pm Sunday Masses. We meet at 7:30 pm and rehearse up to the 8:00 pm Mass.
The Seasonal Choir is a SATB choir that prepares choral music for Christmas and Easter. Rehearsals run from late-October through Christmas, and from the beginning of Lent through Easter.
We welcome instrumentalists to join any of our ensembles! Feast days and holidays are especially heightened by the presence of brass, strings, and woodwind players. Please contact Stacy ( for more information and to assure the right music parts are available for you.
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